The new Lent…changing things up a bit.

So, traditionally Lent rolls around for 40 days and we decide to give up something like pizza, whining, wine, sweets or something we crave.  We have done that in the past but this year we are changing things up a bit.  Instead of giving something up, we are going to eat our pizza.  We are going to whine while drinking our boxed wine.  Instead of this approach, we decided (my amazing mother and I) that for 40 days in a row, we are going to do one random kind act for someone.  When you think about this, it makes so much more sense.  When you give up pizza, who is really benefitting?  Well, your waist line is but other than that me giving up pizza is not going to make anyones day.  Especially my husband who would have to listen to my whining.

So this year we explained to my pals what Lent was and talked about the standard traditions are for Lent and they were totally on board with switching things up.  Teaching kindness when kids are young is so important, especially in today’s world where this is too much sadness and way too many creepy people.  Technology is taking over and we are sitting behind our computers instead of sitting in front of a someone we love.  I have been guilty of this.  We all have.

Now we are not sharing this story to make anyone feel bad that they are giving up their coffee or chocolate.  We are just sharing our idea and our story in hopes to see if anyone wants to join us and help change the way someones day is going.  It takes something so little.  Think about the last time someone simply just smiled at you and you felt good.  What if you went to grab your coffee tomorrow morning and they guy in the drive thru said it was taken care of.  How amazing it this?  We can do so many little things that cost nearly nothing and make such a difference.

My pals and I do a lot of things-crafts and projects that I diary through on Facebook and my blog.   I have gotten a couple comments where I know my friends are joking but they tell me with a huge grin I make them feel like a crappy mom.  That is never my intention.  Ever.  Never Ever.  The bottom line is we are all crappy mom’s sometimes.  I like to do crafts.  I like to bake and cook.  I like to make finger puppets and paint and have pen pals.  I love pinterest and I am not ashamed.  My kids benefit, sure but so do I. I love every second of this nerdy craft stuff.  I also do NOT do a lot of things.  We rarely eat organic.  My kids wear the same socks 2 days in a row after I load them up with Febreeze.  We probably have a Happy Meal once a week for a treat.  I yell too much some days.  I have been know to give me pal an ipad while I read an article online or two or three.  And you know what?  It is ok.  All of it is ok.  As long as you love your kids with all your might, you are doing good.  I could not love my pals more if I tried.

I have never ever intended to do the “humble brag” that people do on Facebook or blogs but fear people may have gotten that impression at times.  I post pics of my kids putting googly eyes on everything but the kitchen sink but I certainly do not expect anyone else too.  You are probably making something with all organic food right now and that is cool.  I will never go for the “humble brag.” Because those are the posts we can all see right through.  EVERYONE.  You will never catch me posting a photo of may pals outside in the driveway where my Range Rover happens to be in the garage.  First of all, because I don’t have a Range Rover but I am here to inform you that everyone sees right through this stuff.  Everyone. You won’t see me post a pic of my kids carrying a giant Louis Vuitton purse around because it is “so cute” or a picture of them playing in my backyard but you can’t even see them because all you can see is my giant house.  I don’t have a giant house and that is ok.  Nobody likes your more because you drive a fancy car or make cookies with your kids.  If they do, ditch them.

I will post a picture of my kids making a finger puppet because I might just give you a fun idea or simply want you to see how my kids are growing.  My house is usually messy in the background and that is ok.  We are not perfect but we are kind and we are going to do our tiny part to make a difference.  Make sense?

SInce we have decided to do our Lenten gig, we have made soup for 2 sick neighbors, sent cards to people just to tell them we love them and sent our girl scout cookies to some troops in Afghanistan.  We surprised our neighbor with a little treat that we knew she wanted.  We will do one thing every day and I will let you know about it because I want to be accountable.  I am not perfect and I want to follow through.

Today we drew 22 pictures and we plan on dropping them off at a local nursing home tomorrow after school.  How easy is that and think of the impact it will make?!?!  Who is with us?  Let’s do this. (And if anyone wants to buy me a Range Rover or a new Louis Vuitton, I will post it on Facebook).


2 thoughts on “The new Lent…changing things up a bit.

  1. A couple things. I’m so glad you’re back. I missed your blog posts!I I think this is wonderful. What a fantastic idea. Bringing the pictures to the retirement home is genius. There is one walking distance from our place and I’m so doing this with our kids.

    Do you know I still think about the fact that you sent me that card out of the blue and how nice it was? You didn’t just make my day but I’m pretty sure you made my entire year and next year at the very least. I have it saved with all my hundreds of love letters from Rich (Ha ha). 🙂

    I’m inspired by your posts and love to see what you’re up to with your adorable beautiful kids. Your FB posts always are amusing and FUN. Don’t feel like people are being haters because that is coming from their own feelings of insecurity.

    Finally – we do McDonalds’ about 1 time a week too. The kids fricking love it and it gives me a break. I love to cook and craft too so keep the ideas coming!

    Once it gets nicer I am going to invite myself over again!! So we can hang out at your huge house and maybe we can go for a joy ride in your Range?

    Cheers girlfriend!! Don’t you change a thing. As far as I can tell you’re the best.

    • You are so amazingly sweet for this comment. I adore you and cannot wait to get a date on the books. We can eat Happy Meals and have a glass of boxed wine. Hopefully by then someone will have gotten me a Rover so we can head to McD’s in real style! xoxo and an extra x.

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