We made it to 4…

Well.  We all did it.  We made it to 4.  I know everyone says it but damn, time does fly.  I cannot believe my peanuts are 4 years old.  I feel like it was 3 months ago that my pals were in the NICU and the size of a burrito.  A bean burrito.  My sister said it best when she said that when you have kids the days go S-L-O-W and the years fly by.

The day started off with donuts, party hats, lei’s and picture boards that I made for each child and then the left with a goodie bag to take home.  What happened to singing a 3 second version of Happy Birthday, throwing a fun size Snickers at your pal and calling it a day?!?!  LONG GONE.  Which for full disclosure, I have to say, as much as I bitch, I love it.  I am a huge craft nerd and love being burned with hot glue and going way overborad.

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They got to pick 4 pictures of the 632 photos that Mommy laminated and matted and spent 17 hours on…but 4 is good. 4 is good.

Then Mommy got special doughnuts because cupcakes are SOOO  2005.

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The best part of the day was Abbott watching Eden’s photo board presentation.  He clearly had more important things to do.  Mommy has been hanging with me 99.9% of his life but picking up a few things from his daddy.


“Listen Eden….this is interesting and all but I have seen these pics and gotta run.  Places to go and people to see.  Possibly even a diaper to shit. ”

Then we did a fancy “airport” pick-up for the kids and daddy even came.  That was the best part.


We then went to a little place that resembles what I can only think hell is like.  Chuck E. Cheese.  All  I can say is – Thank God they serve beer.  Bad tap beer at that but we needed one to carry around as we slugged tokens into every machine possible.  They really have the attention span of a gnat.  They would be playing one game and see something that looked a bit more enticing and they were off…..By my estimate I burned 386 calories just lugging the giant baby around and chasing them from one dirty game to the next.  We took a Purell bath when we were done.  I am not a germy freak either but I think I saw a pepperoni and a pubic hair on the ski-ball machine.

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How do you top Chuck E. Cheese?  Well, you really don’t in their minds but we had a Minion themed bowling party with our pals.  Bowling and 4 year olds do not really go hand in hand, more like hand and hair.

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I have to give credit where credit is due and my husband puts up with my nuerotic attention to detail and tendency to go overboard.  For every kids birthday, I make us all coordinate.  This year the kids picked a minion theme so we all wore matching gear.  I chose to have a minion shirt with googly eyes front and center – on my boobs.  The best part is I had not a clue about the placement until about 10:00 pm when my sister pointed it out.  Now I like the shirt even more.  Best part – the minion’s goggles glow in the dark.  I can’t wait to go walk the dog in this thing tonight.


I also made my own party favors for the party and holy balls…if you had any idea how long this took me, you would slap me across the face.  This is when pinterest kicked me in the ass.


All in all it was a great day.  We finally got to give the kids the birthday presents that we have had hiding since January when I got them at Target at an “after Christmas sale”.  I LOVE a good deal more than anyone and these beauties were 90% off!  38 bucks each.  You cannot beat that with a stick…or a tree.

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So, wish us luck as we head into our 4th year of life.  It has been an amazing four years filled with more laughs then I can count, approximately 10,000 dirty diapers, a few temper tantrums and the best hugs and kisses you could ever get.

Happy Birthday L.A and Eden.  You are my dreams come true.  You have come a long way from your first days in a petri dish.  As I tell you every day about 87 times – I love you to the maximum.  If I loved you anymore I might burst into flames…and nobody needs to put that out.  Can you imagine the smell?  Burnt bronzer and cabernet cannot smell good.

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