Day 7 – one dollar make you holla!

Well today was our 7th day in our 40 days of random acts of kindness…..way better than just giving something up like cheese or wine (shudder).  Let’s do something more.  Let’s just do it.

Today I had the morning off and my twin pals were at school so it was just Abbott and I.  We decided to hit the Taj Mahal of shopping venues to spread some joy.  No, not Barney’s, not Target, not even Wal-mart.  Dollar Tree.  Oh yeah, Dollar Tree.

I love dollar tree, who doesn’t?  EVERYTHING in the store is a dollar.  I give my kids 2 bucks each and tell them they can pick out 2 of anything in the ENTIRE store.  The love it.  “You mean I can get this?”  Yes.  “But there is NO way I could get this?”  Yes. Yes.  You can get anything in this store… is all a dollar.  Hard for a 4 year old brain to comprehend much less a 40 year old one.

So every time that we go to the Dollar Tree, we see kids inevitably whining in the “toy” aisle for a toy exactly like my pals do when we go.  But how could a parent say “no” if there was a dollar bill taped to the toy their child wanted.  How could you say no?  You can’t.  Here is where we came in.

My giant baby and I taped five one dollar bills to some toys so we hope 5 sweet kids got the little toy they wanted today.

My assistant Abbott was really not having it but I was trying to be all sly about and it and he just keeps ripping the money off and giving it back to me.  Worst assistant ever but he is so cute so I kept him on board.

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Today we hope 5 little kids got a little special treat they wanted and their parents were happy as well….they didn’t have to pay for it and their child was happy.  Plus they get to talk about the mystery of how that would ever happen.  I mean, who would ever go and just tape $1 bills to a toy with no note and walk away.  Free toys.  Cool.

Ohhhh, we love a little mystery and anything free.

Until tomorrow….

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