Poor Abbott – get used to the shaft…

Wait, that sounds a little perverted but it stays.  Abbott gets the shaft on a lot of things and I thought this was supposed to happen to the middle child, not the baby – the GIANT baby.  My giant baby gets scraps of hand me downs and wore Christmas pajama’s to bed tonight and to add insult to injury, they were WAY to small.  I nearly needed a shoe horn to get the pants on.

He does not get the shaft on attention or love though.  He is my compadre, my sidekick, my piece of the puzzle.  We do everything together, all day, every day and we love it.  His smile makes you want to attack your day and get a billion things done, it is like a tiny shot of espresso.  He is my tiny but giant love of my life.  I miss him when he sleeps.  His smile goes a long way and I NEED it.  One thing I did not need was his hair.  The poor guy was blessed with a ton of awesome things in his life but his poor hair was not one of them.  It is not even like hair.  It is like whispy stands of orangey silk.  It could not be thinner or straighter.  He needs a toupee and he is one.  Well, today was the day.  Haircut day.  FIRST haircut day.  He was starting to look homeless and more and more like Linus from the Peanuts gang with every minute that passed.

So, when my twins got their first hair cut’s, it was a whole to do!  We went to one of those fancy kid’s places where they video record it and save the hair in glass vials, give you certificates marking the occasion, take their photo for a commemorative frame.  You know, really do it up nice.

Abbott, poor Abs.  We marched outside (in a light rain and a soiled diaper, no pants and just a dirty pajama top),  I strapped him in the giant big wheel/car contraption and took a before picture.  Oh Linus!!

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He was sad.  “Mommy, where is the fancy chair that looks like a race car with the kid’s movies playing?  Where are they going to sign my “First Haircut Certificate”?  Why am I sitting out in the cold rain with a rusty fiskars coming at my head?  Oh and by the way, where are my pants?  And, could you change my diaper?  I think I dumped about 36 minutes ago and it is starting to stink.  I ate corn for lunch.”  “Why am I in this old big wheel car thing?  You said we were going to the salon to get my haircut?  This looks like Salon Salmonella and I want out.”

oh Linus, it is for your own good.  Just sit still so I don’t give you that haircut from Dumb and Dumber.  You know Lloyd Christmas….Jim Carey.

Just sit still.  Don’t you dare move so I can get it just right……I am going for a David Beckman look with a touch of that Clooney sex appeal.

Wait for it….wait for it……

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And…..ouch.  I tried.  Welcome to the family Lloyd Christmas.

Tomorrow I will be experimenting with some hair gels and possibly a home perm.  Wish me luck.

One thought on “Poor Abbott – get used to the shaft…

  1. This made me laugh so hard I almost needed a diaper of my own. Poor pumpkin but I can totally relate. Keira has always had the WORST hair. She had a mullet for the first 3 years of her life until her “Suri bob” finally looked like a bob. Then we spent the last year growing that out and her hair is fine, stringy, and thin. Of course Henry has the thickest head of gorgeous hair… Sigh.

    Abbott’s sad little face in these pictures!!

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