Someone wants a taco….

Someone wants a taco….bad.  Poor Butters snuck up on my pals while they were having their favorite, tacos and guacamole.


Look at that poor little guy.  “Por favor taco mamacita”.   Maybe I should just put a full throttle hard shell taco on his high chair tray and see what he does.  Knowing him, he would ask for hot sauce then tip his head to the side and start noshing.

My kids LOVE tacos.  If I ever give them the opportunity to choose dinner, it is always tacos.  They have to be the hard shell and L.A.’s have to have tomatoes and white sauce (sour cream).  He really likes them loaded up while Eden on the other hand is more of a minimalist with her tacos – just meat, lettuce and cheese.  The call guacamole “Oscar” dip…because it is green like Oscar the grouch.

This works out well for me because I happen to LOVE mexican food.  Their other favorite thing is chinese soup (egg drop soup) and crab rangoon.  I can get down with this too.  I have never met a crab rangoon I did not like.

My kids like Taco Bell and I am not ashamed.  I have 3 kids three and under so sometimes we go to Taco Bell to kill time.  I am talking sit down in the corner booth and have lunch.  As you know this winter has killed me and work has been slow so we have had a lot of quality time, which I love but sometimes we run out of stuff to do.  What the hell, let’s go to Taco Bell.  They each get a hard taco and beans.  They usually fight and I am sure the employees do a mexican hat dance when we leave.  I get to eat Taco Bell too so it is a win win all around.  They have high chairs for Linus…..who knew?  It has to be better than a chicken nugget happy meal, right?  I am not above those either….and PS, they are 2.99 right now.  I make healthy-ish homemade dinners every night so having fast food here and there is totally fine in my book.  So are chips.  We love chips.  Chips……and Rudy, the manager at the local Taco Bell.  He has been with Taco Bell for 27 years.  Trust me, I know.

My pals are pretty much good eaters although L.A. goes on eating binges and then eats like a bird for a couple days. My wise friend Eileen refers to these as “snake days”.  He eats like a snake every few days.  One day he will drink a gallon of milk, eat 2 peanut butter and jelly sandwiches, 3 bananas, 4 slices of pizza and then for the next 2 days he will eat 3 cheerios and a noodle then he comes back with a vengance on snake days and can out eat his dad.  Snake days are awesome.  I really should start jotting down all he can consume on these days.  Poor Miss Eden out eats her mom EVERY day.

My giant baby eats real food now so we are officially buying groceries for a family of 5.  Every week my cart is literally overflowing and I cringe when I get the total.  I cannot fathom how my saint of a mother did this while feeding 7 kids.  Hell, I cannot fathom how she had 7 kids.  She is still sane……and my best friend.


5 thoughts on “Someone wants a taco….

  1. My kids have never had a taco!! Not that they eat so healthy. Henry lives on chips and french fries. I just never offered one to them. I don’t make them that often at home. Now I know what I’m making for dinner. :=)

    We spend so much money on groceries it’s sick. Just think how much cashola we would have if we didn’t have kids? But then we would be so sad and just spend it on booze right? ha

    • Really?!?! We have them at least once a week. I usually make them with super lean beef or turkey breast so really, they are not too bad for you. Let me know how your kids like them…..when it warms up we will have the Hagerty’s out for tacos and margaritas!

  2. Wait a second… Is that tacos with a side of chicken fried rice??! You don’t see that everyday… But I could get down with it.

    • Oh Sas…..close but no cigar. Just mexican rice. I make instant rice with chicken stock instead of water, add cumin and garlic salt, cilantro and veggies. A “Little” bit of butter and it is delish. Chop up the carrots and onions tiny and throw them in (along with some frozen peas and corn) and cook it all together. Takes 5 minutos.

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