Now that is a good call……

You know when someone nails something right on the head?  Like that time someone mentioned that Red Bull and vodka tastes EXACTLY like Smarties candy.  Or that time someone told you that Bruce Jenner is slowly becoming a Golden Girl?

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Well, the other day a friend said to me, “Don’t take this the wrong way but your kid looks exactly like Linus from the Peanuts gang.”  I was taken aback for a second and then I googled Linus to refresh my memory. Holy Balls….Best.  Call.  Ever.

Here is your proof.  Here is Linus:



And here is my guy – Abbott:


They have the same whispy hair and black eyeballs.  His hair really is amazing because it is almost like it is not real hair.  It is like a fuzzy pile of puffy and silky threads that have a mind of their own.  It is orange when the light hits it too which is the best part.

Oh Linus, how I love you so.

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That tiny nose that is like a teensy weensy button resting in the middle of a giant very circular platter.

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I told Abbott that he looked like Linus and he asked me if Linus was famous….I told him that he sort of was famous, Yes.  Then he crawled over and got his glasses and put them on so no one would recognize him.  He loathes the paparazzi and signing autographs.


Get used to it Linus.

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