Googly eyes…I love them.

There are a few things that really get me excited and googly eyes are one of them.  I don’t know why they crack me up so much but starting today, I have decided I am going to keep them with me always so I can just add them to things to spice them up.  I have an embarrassingly extensive craft supply collection and I have about 457 googly eyes, all different sizes.  I have the tiniest of tiny up to some that are about the size of half dollars.

Today when I got home from work (I just had a quick client in the am.  Checked out a few awesome pads right by Wrigley Field.  LOVE my job) my pals first question was, “Mommy, what is our project today?”  You see, I have started this thing where we do one project a day.  It can be anything from a craft to making cookies to building a snowman.  ANYTHING other than watching TV.  I am the first to admit that we watch WAY too much TV in our house.  It is the weather that endorses it.  When it is too cold to go outside, there are only so many projects you can do, so many pictures you can draw, so many baths you can take, so many towers you can build, so many times you can pull eachother’s hair – you get my drift.

So today, we grabbed the googly eyes, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, pom poms and glue and went to town.  We started with caterpillars… party hats or course.

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L.A. had to pick the largest eyes for his caterpillar he named Buzz.  He also requested that it had a “President’s hat.”  Like Abraham Lincoln.  Hey, at least he learns something at school other than how to pick his nose and sometimes eat it.


Then we moved on to snowmen.  Pink snowmen, naturally.


Then we moved on to spiders.  We made spiders for a couple of our best pals, Wolfie and Ro and spiders for Nana, Nonie and Papa, Uncle Cory and Aunt Sas too.  Mommy works the glue gun while they kind of just boss me around.  I have about 324 tiny blisters to prove this went down today.  Damn, that thing gets H.O.T.  It does not mess around.  That “low temp” glue is a rip-off too.  It is all the same – hot as balls.

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So then after we cleaned up our mess, Miss Eden had to use the can and I was in there chatting with her when she pointed to the window lock and asked me what the turtle’s name was.  I was so confused.  Our bathroom window has been on order as it is a weird size so it is about 80 years old and has a really old school lock that actually does look like the side view of a turtle.   A light bulb went off in my head and I grabbed a googly eye and some glue.


It does look like a turtle.  We named him Tippy.  Then we thought our 1976 thermostat needed an upgrade so we got out the tiniest eyes we could find.


And here is where it will start.  Googly eyes are going to be my new thing.  I have always loved them but until Miss Eden decided “Tippy” needed to come to life, I guess I have not let them reach their full potential.

There is way more to be done with googly eyes than make spiders and snowmen.  You have been warned.

And on a side note, this was “my guy” in the tub tonight.  He naps during our projects but I hate to leave him out.  He really does get cuter by the second.  Sir Butters, you are my guy.


“Mommy, put some googly eyes on something that rolls out of my diaper.”

2 thoughts on “Googly eyes…I love them.

  1. I love googly eyes too! I ordered a bunch of craft stuff from Oriental Trading Company. You come up with the best ideas though!

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