Really? 6 cartons of milk…

I never thought I would live in a house where having 6 cartons of milk is normal.  We go through so much milk at camp Gerbrecht I really should invest in a cow…and someone to pull on the teets to get the milk to come out because God knows I am not doing that.


Butters has to drink Whole milk and my pals drink 1%.  They come in packs of 3 from Costco so we are usually holding steady between 4 and 6 cartons at any given time.  God forbid we run out.  I remember the days when I used to have milk expire as it would get pushed to the back of the fridge and I would find it right before it had turned to small curd cottage cheese. Those days are long gone.  My pals, all 3 of them, LOVE milk.  They love it white, they love it pink, they love it chocolate.  L.A. in particular would drink a gallon a day if we let him.  We have learned that this is one of the reasons why he ALWAYS has a runny nose.  Always.  Apparently dairy leads to mucus, who knew?  We are trying to get him aboard the Almond milk train and it is not working.  I cannot blame him though.  That stuff tastes like a sweet armpit.   Yama mama.

I have never been a fan of milk unfortunately.  Cheese, on the other hand….I like it all, right down to orange American cheese.  The best cheese is Burrata.  If you have not had it, I suggest you run, don’t walk to go find it.  The best is made by BelGioiso which is run by a really nice Green Bay family.



Just check out the description, “Fresh mozzarella cheese filled with shreds of Mozzarella soaked in cream.”  It is like a giant ball of fresh mozzarella that you cut into and it oozes with a creamy surprise – more gooey cheese.  Sometimes I have it for dinner with a loaf of crusty italian bread and some really good Genoa salami.  You cannot go wrong.  I cannot tell you if my pals like it or not because I have never shared it with them.  I know they would love it and I would end up getting the short end of the stick, which means I would get nothing.  Nada.

The other one that is a huge hit in our house is Munster cheese, or as we call it “flat cheese”.  When Miss Eden asks for flat cheese, she means Munster.  She does not mean she wants any old piece of cheese that is flat or sliced.  She wants a thin slice of salty Munster from the deli.  She could eat about 12 slices in one sitting and I cannot blame her.  Papa (my dad) learned this code word through an afternoon tantrum where he tried to give her a piece of cheddar that he cut off the block.  Not even close.  Poor Papa, “but this is flat cheese, I don’t see what the problem is.”   There are a lot of problems.

1. You sliced it. 2. It is orange. 3. It is not Munster.

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